drumkit – gerald dowd
bass guitar – john abbey
electric guitar – grant tye
acoustic guitar, vocal, backing vocals – robbie fulks
B3 organ – chris neville
bodhran – jackie moran
The only person I can think of who overlaps the magisteria of astronomy, ambition, rape, and the Manhattan conservative intelligentsia is Arthur Koestler. I tried out a technique in a few of these 50 songs that I don’t think I’ve tried before, manumitting my lyrics ever so slightly from the bondage of logical structure and sequence, permitting them to flit impressionistically hither and yon (even while trying to maintain some clear sense of forward development in the song overall). I can’t say exactly what drew me to that method, or whether it was fruitful in the final outcome, but it added a new aspect of enjoyment to the writing — wondering along with the listener what might happen next.